
And Now, Sassy Trump In: 'Fire and Fury'

ObserverArt8/09/2017 4:29:48 pm PDT

re: #17 Scout

People — pundits and internet commenters — keep referring to Kim Jong Un as “crazy.”

I’ve not seen any evidence that he is. Maybe he is, for all I know, but I have seen nothing confirming it.

His father had some problems upstairs, it seems, but I’d appreciate any proof this guy is.

He’s a dictator, and I’ve no doubt he can be cruel and vindictive. But “crazy”?

I think people see dictators as crazy in general. Add in his visage and you get crazy, right or wrong. He may be brilliant, but wouldn’t brilliance bring someone to a reasonable place to help his people? That is also a form of crazy, not necessarily mentally based. It’s a loose word.