
Seth Meyers via Webcam: Trump Wants to Reopen America as Coronavirus Pandemic Accelerates

austin_blue3/25/2020 8:10:46 pm PDT

re: #5 Hecuba’s daughter

SARS is an airborne virus that is more lethal than Covid-19. In 2003, there were 8096 cases and 774 deaths, in 29 countries. How did they manage to bring it under control and prevent it from becoming a pandemic?

More lethal, yes, but it quickly evolved out of it’s initial lethality, thank dog.We were just damn lucky in 2003. Covid seems to be much more stable. And, in the end, much more lethal.

Our housecleaner, a lovely immigrant from Spain, told us her mom died last night fromm Covid back in Spain.

Jesus wept.