
David Horowitz Dumps Alex Knepper for Dissing Coulter

Gus7/11/2010 3:43:12 pm PDT

So when it comes to politics are you a believer, an atheist, or an agnostic? Is there a great future out there that we can attain? If your answer is no, then vote for John McCain, one of our country’s finest Americans and an exemplar of a valuable political tradition. If the answer is yes then you have to ask yourself if those four major Democratic presidents really helped toward achieving that goal. It’s not an easy question but prominent radicals like Ralph Nader and Noam Chomsky would say the Democrats weren’t significantly better than the Republicans. If the answer is maybe, as I think it will be for most Americans, then the only logical choice is to vote for Barack Obama on November 4, 2008.

David Swindle