
The Campaign Season of Violent Rhetoric

elizajane1/11/2011 11:01:09 am PST

re: #14 stevemcg

The right would be going apeshit if Hillary Clinton were elected President. It is just an extension of the Clinton era witchhunt, which was never about justice or the honor of the office.

I completely agree with this. I even think it might be worse.

Unless you have Republican, Rush-listening family members as do I, you might not remember the almost insane hatred of Bill Clinton that was just ready to resurface iced with misogyny at the prospect of Hilary. In fact, I think the hatred would have come faster if she’d been the nominee, much less the elected president.

The right didn’t quite know what to do with a black man during the election. Oh sure, Palin pointed the way, but a lot of further fancy-footing and reaching for metaphors was necessary; really it took a few months (!) after the election for the full narrative to be formed. With Hilary it was already there. There is virtually no limit on how direct, crude, violent and hateful your public rhetoric can be about a woman, like there is with an African-American.