
Podcast o' the Evening: The Bob and Chez Show, 7/28/15

A wild WITHAK appeared!7/29/2015 9:27:55 am PDT

What really, really irks me about the “keep your legs closed” argument (and I use the word “argument” very loosely here) is the caricature of a woman on birth control as a sex-crazed slut sleeping with everything and anything, because being on the Pill makes sex totally consequence-free!

Never mind there are people in committed relationships who use birth control for actual family planning if they’re not ready for children. Like my wife and I before we had kids.

And now that we’ve had kids? Guess what, more family planning, only this time, we need to prevent pregnancy because another one may threaten her life. (Two kids by C-section; doctors advised against having a third.) But, no, some people would like to take away our option for a potentially life-saving, safe and legal abortion because we need to “accept the consequences” of being married for over a decade and still wanting to sleep with one another.