
Video: Hillary Clinton Uses Republican Quotes Against Donald Trump

Yeah Sure WhatEVs5/04/2016 6:14:24 pm PDT

re: #147 darthstar

If he stops campaigning to win, then the energy drains out of the primary like a leaky balloon. Like it or not, Hillary needs him to stay in until the end now. He brings attention to the Democratic party. Trump will actually have less press coverage because he doesn’t have to fight anyone for his nomination.

Maybe Americans don’t have the attention spans to survive a 15 month process starting with August debates the year before.

Now, Trump’s the nominee for the GOP, Hillary still has four weeks of ignoring Bernie Sanders before she can truly focus on Trump, because who really has time for that shit when there’s an election in November!!??! and by the time the conventions roll around, “Rapists & Murderers” and “Mexico will pay for the Wall” and “Ban all Muslims” will have been used in anti-Trump ads so many times most Americans will be numb to these things.

We gotta keep this thing hot or people will get sucked into baseball and nobody will notice either candidate until October (thank you MLB!)

I completely disagree. Bernie is giving populist platitudes with zero - and I mean NO - possible path to enactment of anything. And what’s worse, he’s giving hope, by lying, to a boatload of young people which is going to do little but turn them off of the entire process. It’s a tragedy what Bernie is doing.

And Trump is going to continue to get free coverage until the election for every incoherent syllable that comes out of his mouth the media will tsk tsk Hillary while allowing Trump everything (see CNN discussing Hillary and cheating, when she didn’t cheat herself, while making Trump out to be someone extolling virtue.)