
Sign of the Apocalypse: LGF Agrees with Balloon Juice

Killian Bundy2/01/2009 1:54:27 pm PST

Obama seems unlikely to widen war in Afghanistan

President Barack Obama, who pledged during his campaign to shift U.S. troops and resources from Iraq to Afghanistan, has done little since taking office to suggest he will significantly widen the grinding war against a resurgent Taliban.

On the contrary, Obama appears likely to streamline the U.S. focus with an eye to the worsening economy and the cautionary example of the Iraq war that sapped political support for President George W. Bush.

“There’s not simply a military solution to that problem,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said last week, adding that Obama believes “that only through long-term and sustainable development can we ever hope to turn around what’s going on there.”

/you watch, we’ll run away and abandon Afghanistan in Obama’s first, and hopefully only, term