
ACORN Cleared in Brooklyn Sting Video Case

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/01/2010 3:59:02 pm PST

re: #250 doubter4444

I’m sorry; it may be incidentally racist, but it is still racist. If ACORN did not do their get out the vote activities, the end result would be fewer black people (and other minorities) registered as voters. It would also mean fewer Democrats. It is not possible to decry the Democratic part of that and ignore the minority part of that.

I am not saying that it’s the simple kind of ‘I don’t like black people, therefore I don’t want them to be registered to vote’ racism, but it is, definitely, the ‘I don’t like the way black people vote, therefore I don’t want them to be registered to vote’ brand of racism. Much softer, but still addressed to race.

In a similar way, GOP efforts to stymie Rock the Vote are ageist, and shortsighted as all hell as well. They’re basically ceding minorities and the youth vote to the Democrats. That’s dumb.