
Sassy Trump Sings National Anthem on Memorial Day

Birth Control Works5/30/2017 10:44:38 pm PDT

re: #256 Anymouse

I’m sorry you’re having that problem; I can relate… .

When we went on our trip to California in December for three weeks, and shortly after we left the temps here dropped to -25 F and burst our water pipes in our cyclone cellar (the inner door somehow got open).

For three weeks water sprayed out of the hot water line all over the cellar, flooding our dirt floor cellar with about three feet of water. We got home on Christmas Eve to that - no way to get a plumber to come out sixty miles to our house then. (Fortunately for us, our homeowner’s insurance paid for the damages to our house, though I had to shovel a lot of the floor back into the cellar on my own.)

The only reason I like not having a basement is WATER. I still miss the storage.