
Appeals Court Upholds Tobacco Racketeering Rulings

Cato the Elder5/24/2009 1:31:34 pm PDT

re: #121 satan sidekick

I was curious about this too. One out of every 9 smokers will get emphysema or cancer from smoking. They’ve recently discovered that smoking activates a genetic predisposition that causes emphysema. I know it has in my family as three generations of smokers have it. Only 20% of smokers get emphysema and even less (not sure of percentage) get lung cancer.

First: For that to mean anything, you have to compare with the rates among non-smokers.

Second: “Here, try this, kid. You’ll love it, goes well with booze, and *cough* you’llbeasteadyincomesourceforusforlife *cough*. And, the chances you’ll ending up gasping for breath and tied to an oxygen tank for maybe several decades of your life are only one in five.Here, the first carton is on us!”