
Wingnut Radio Host Berry On NY Mosque: 'I Hope Somebody Blows It Up'

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/28/2010 3:24:42 pm PDT

re: #244 ~Fianna

That’s interesting.

There are almost no paintings where the print does it any justice. I’m not a huge Goya fan, but seeing them as they really are was very, very different than seeing a print or an picture. They’re breathtaking in person.

I adore Goya and Rembrandt. I am actually a tremendous fan of art and an enthusiastic amateur painter. I draw as well. Not that I am claiming to be particularly good, but if I draw or paint someone, it looks recognizably like them and is usually flattering.

I think this is a roundabout way fo saying that if you like Goya and you know the difference between his work and aa print, I really, really think you should see the Mona Lisa in person before making the call you are making. I also say that because I really did once feel the same way, and some of my friends told me to not be an idiot and see her in person before commenting.