
James Taylor at the DNC: "I Don't Get It - I'm an Old White Guy and I Love Barack Obama"

Big Steve9/07/2012 6:10:25 am PDT

re: #256 Killgore Trout

Unless I missed it there was nothing on DKos about the Dem delegate making death threats. It’s frustrating to see the hypocrisy that death threats only get attention depending on the political party of the victim.

I have just resigned myself to the past two weeks being ‘hooray for our side’ love fests by both sides and their corresponding media and blog sites.

I was listening to sports radio the other day and some caller was talking about how he hated the Dallas Cowboys (apologizes to NJD). The sports radio guy asked him if he really hated them and the caller replied that it was “sports hate” and not real hate. Politics is like that….one can get their “sports hate” on for an opposing candidate but some people cross the line into real hate.