
Jindal on Meet the Press

funky chicken2/22/2009 10:07:46 am PST

re: #226 Charles

I disagree strongly. Science does not work that way. There’s very little doubt that the climate IS changing; it’s been extensively documented, by scientists in many fields, all over the world. The only real debate is whether this change is caused by human behavior. But it is not pseudo-science.

Of course the climate changes. The Vikings weren’t being ironic when they named Greenland…it used to be green.

The pseudoscience comes in when they link the pollutant dujour with climate changes. And that is the entire basis of the AGW/ACC/whatever the hell they will call it next.

And computer models that will predict the climate of the earth in 50 to 100 years? But those models don’t include anything about the sun’s cycles? just nonsense.

I am a (retired to be a housewife/mother) scientist, and the crap that the AGW/ACC folks peddle IS NOT SCIENCE. for real….