
Barney Frank Surrenders to the Paulians

lawhawk8/31/2009 11:37:24 am PDT

Watch President Obama spin this as a triumph of foreign policy - he’s getting Bibi and Abbas together for a photo op when the UN convenes in NYC next week.

I’m sure that will work out nearly as famously as Arafat shaking hands with Rabin (and which ended up with Nobel Prizes all around).

“Yes, I think they will meet by the end of September. President Obama will chair it, and I think that at least there is a chance that they will decide they are going to reopen negotiations,” Peres said. “But that will not include Hamas.”

In order for that to happen, the Israelis will likely have to agree to suspend or halt settlement construction. Peres said that issue is still unresolved.

So, Hamas isn’t included, even though they control Gaza and have a say on what happens to the Palestinians. The Israelis are supposedly going to stop building communities, even though they are not an obstacle to peace, and can be transferred just as surely as they were in Sinai and Gaza. No, there can be no peace until Palestinians accept a Jewish state of Israel alongside their Palestinian territory (which happens to be Jew-free, and rife with anti-Semitic agitprop and rancid calls for genocide and Holocaust revisionism). Once again, the pressure will be placed on Israel to make concessions, all while Palestinians skate on their obligations under Oslo.