
Donald Trump's Birther Lunacy is Working (Big Time)

Kragar4/06/2011 8:24:39 pm PDT

The Muslim-baiting radio host the GOP can’t resist

The host of a radio show that has become a regular stop for Republican presidential candidates is calling for restrictions on Muslim immigration to the U.S.

Bryan Fischer, who is the American Family Association’s Director of Issues Analysis, also called Islam a “toxic cancer” on his show today. This is not new rhetoric for Fischer, but what makes it interesting is that several potential GOP candidates have recently accepted invitiations to be on his show. That includes Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Haley Barbour, and Newt Gingrich.

If Fischer were another anonymous crank, this wouldn’t be newsworthy. But this is a man who regularly attracts presidential candidates to his program. Here he is interviewing Haley Barbour. Here he is interviewing Tim Pawlenty. And here he is interviewing Newt Gingrich.