
Right Wing Blogs' Massive Fail: Injured Saudi Is a Witness, Not a Suspect

Dr Lizardo4/16/2013 12:46:13 pm PDT

re: #261 HappyWarrior

And that’s the damndest thing. There are people in the nutosphere who believe Obama and the government would actually let a Muslim perp go because they don’t want to make Muslims look bad. Yeah explains why Obama ordered the Seals to give Osama Bin Laden a nice pat on the head errr shot in the back of the head.

The hardcore right, especially those with anti-Muslim inclinations, are no different than those who believed in the various tropes of anti-Semitism one hundred years ago. No logic can penetrate their worldview. There is no ‘nuance’ for them; no shades of gray.

They adhere to a strictly Manichean view of life and the world at large, absolute good and absolute evil. There is nothing else for them; they simply haven’t the intellectual capacity to handle anything else.