
Thursday Morning Open

lawhawk9/17/2009 10:32:31 am PDT

The same arguments that ACORN rightfully gets smacked down for apply here.

Acorn says that it’s only a small and isolated group that engage in the illegalities, and it’s not the whole of the entity. People here slam them every which way to Sunday for making such statements when the evidence is a growing pile of malfeasance.

There is a problem with racism and nirtherism with the GOP. You can argue that it’s only a small portion - and don’t paint the whole party with it. The Democrats will be more than glad to slam the GOP every which way to Sunday for making such statements when there’s a growing pile of evidence to support claims that the GOP is racist, nutty - just take a gander at the photos of the signs at the 9/12 rally, the tea parties, etc. (and the same goes for Democrats who shelter tax cheats like Rangel or those on the take like Jefferson, etc.)

People have to stand up and say enough is enough and clean up the acts. Straighten up and fly right. It’s not that difficult to do - there is right and wrong and it applies regardless of what party you belong to and which side you believe in. It also means taking responsibility, which sadly is all too lacking these days in the public sphere.

Enough is enough already. Accountability has to start somewhere - and that includes these grassroots organizations too.