
The Pure Cognitive Dissonance of Religious Fanatics

Lidane4/08/2011 12:59:15 pm PDT

Abortion Riders Prove Effective Wedge For Democrats in Government Shutdown Fight

A growing number of pro-life Republicans and conservative activists are publicly pressuring Boehner to drop the issue. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), known as one of the toughest social conservatives in Congress, told MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan on April 6 that they were unrealistic demands.

“My recommendation to my friends in the House is, you know, it’s highly unlikely many riders are going to get passed with a Democrat president and Democrat Senate, so why don’t you take the spending and let’s get on to the budget,” he said.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) another pro-life conservative echoed his call on MSNBC Thursday, saying the GOP should “move on.”