
Trevor Noah Interviews Dr. Anthony Fauci: Getting Politics Out of Public Health

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS9/22/2020 4:00:37 pm PDT

re: #172 i(m)p(each)sos

He hasn’t done much positive in the way of legislation, true. His role has mostly been to say no to whatever comes out of the House.

So, OK, I concur that the filibuster hasn’t had much reason to come into play in this Congress. And it will be a bigger factor in the next one, assuming the Rs end up as a minority in the Senate. At which point Chuck and the Ds will deal with it, regardless of what they’re saying now at election time. They know the gloves are off, too. And if the Rs push forward with cramming a new justice on to the court, they’ll hand the Ds all the motivation they need.

The filibuster is why every piece of cockamamie legislation the Repugs have come up with has failed to pass the Senate (usually, being lazy, they don’t try). Because they need 60 votes to force a vote and they don’t got them.