
Video: Al Franken Exposes Focus on the Family Spokesman As Liar

Milty7/20/2011 1:46:11 pm PDT

re: #250 Spocomptonite

The misogyny dripping from the first two words completely undermines anything you said about gender in any subsequent words.

I am a guy, and it is true that men are the perpetrators in at least 90% of domestic violence. I have no problem admitting it, and it’s no more sexist than saying men can run the 100m faster than women. re: #250 Spocomptonite

The misogyny dripping from the first two words completely undermines anything you said about gender in any subsequent words.

I am a guy, and it is true that men are the perpetrators in at least 90% of domestic violence. I have no problem admitting it, and it’s no more sexist than saying men can run the 100m faster than women. I could go into the evolutionary reasons why males of our species tend to be more aggressive/violent, but the effort would be wasted on you. It’s just true.

Why are you trying to Magical-Balance-Fairy this issue?

I could go into the evolutionary reasons why males of our species tend to be more aggressive/violent, but the effort would be wasted on you. It’s just true.

Why are you trying to Magical-Balance-Fairy this issue?

This bit about the 90% — you know this because you are a guy? Because you have read the research? Because you are aware of the bitter controversy within academia and choose to believe the gender feminists over researchers like Prof. Straus? Or just because you are convinced that it is true, for some reason, and that’s it?