
Washington Post Editorial: The Death of an Ambassador

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/12/2012 5:31:22 pm PDT

re: #258 Mostly sane, most of the time.

So anyway, my son is starting a Shakespeare class in which they must read, watch, or listen to 17 Shakespeare plays over the course of a semester. You read that right.

Today was a 1960’s version of Midsummer Night’s Dream. It was a typical English production from the 1960’s—lousy effects, great acting.

What Shakespeare play do you like best?

(Yes, I am attempting to give everyone something to talk about other than the Ick.)

For Tragedy,

Lear The line about the seven sisters being seven because they were not eight, is perhaps my favourite in all of Shakespeare. Lear is also the most complex I think in terms of character arc and development, weave of story and impact.

For Comedy,

Much Ado About Nothing

For History,

Henry V

The Saint Crispin’s Day speech is the best pep talk in the English Language.