
Ted Cruz Gets the Birther Treatment From His Own Party

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/07/2016 1:21:28 pm PST

re: #258 CuriousLurker

THIS. It works both ways. I don’t blame anyone for wanting more exposure for their blog, but IMHO it should be a two-way street.

Sure, the pages benefit LGF in the sense that they constantly generate new content, but despite the haters’ claims of LGF’s supposed irrelevance, this site still gets far more traffic than your average blog and pages show up in Google searches almost instantly.

Some people don’t want to participate in general posts, I get that. But if you post a Page you damn better well engage in comments there. Too many times someone drops a turd in the pages and high tails it outta there leaving the stench sitting there for everyone else. Often for days and days on end (in the pages panel) until it’s sufficiently downdinged.

If you can’t support your own post, I say ax ‘em.

(Dear autocorrect, please stop changing ‘em to ‘me. Thanks.)