
A Great New Track by John Hiatt Refutes Its Own Title: "Over the Hill"

Hecuba's daughter9/23/2018 8:01:49 am PDT

re: #253 HappyWarrior

I haven’t read Fear yet. Not going to any time soon since I’m exhausted by this WH. Maybe after Midterms.

I must confess I have been stuck at the beginning because reading about the election remains a too painful experience that I never want to relive. But I plan to soldier on.

re: #255 wheat-dogg

So far, Fear describes a Trump who is not evil or actively colluding with the Russians, but is very simple-minded and easy to control.

Color me skeptical. He knows his money is from Russia and he knows he has been laundering money from the Russian mob for years. In NY real estate, he has been working with criminals his entire life. He doesn’t CARE — the American public was foolish enough or corrupt enough to elect him president and he has no reason to believe that he will face any consequences for his actions. He’s escaped punishment for his entire life.

He’s easy to control??? What about the entire Republican party?