
Stephen Colbert on Joe Biden's Running Mate: Sen. Kamala Harris Breaks New Ground

Belafon8/12/2020 1:49:38 pm PDT

re: #263 Targetpractice

Kellywise’s comments are an awesome example of just how Harris’ nomination has the Trump campaign all over the fucking map. They’re trying to portray Biden and Harris as “soft on crime,” but also want to hit the former for the ‘94 Crime Bill and the latter for locking up too many pot smokers. It also shows how much of a joke the campaign’s “LAW & ORDER!!!” bit is when they’re trying to go after the other side as being “too tough” on criminals.

Appeal to white people: She’s too soft on crime.
To discourge black people: She’s too tough on crime.

They’re going after different audiences and hoping they won’t notice.