
Cable News Slapfight!

Greengolem649/18/2009 4:01:58 pm PDT

re: #33 ~Fianna

I don’t have a TV, so I only catch the “good” stuff that goes around.

Frankly, I get most of my news from the net now. I find that it’s easier to do my own fact checking than to let someone else do it for me. At least I can be reasonably certain that I’m sorting out the spin from the facts.

So…in all seriousness, where do people go for their fully accurate and unfettered news?

I listen to several different news sources on TV and Radio. It IS interesting to note how many hotels do NOT have FNC but do have all the rest…

News print isn’t much better. So where DO people go on the net or otherwise? From my own viewpoint there is NO completely trustworthy news source and its up to the viewer/listener/reader to do their own vetting.