
It's Got to Be Funky: VULFPECK, "El Chepe"

Birth Control Works11/20/2017 9:05:10 am PST

I’ve been trained to believe the woman—as an advocate.

It is hard for me to say this, but the Franken accusation video from the journalist seems too theatrical for me to take seriously. I’d have to hear from more “victims”. My personal viewpoint doesn’t mean jack. He admitted to doing it, therefore he must resign or show good faith attempt to reform —counselling, rehab, whatever. Grabbing and Kissing, although totally inappropriate, is not rape.

A journalist and a senator seem, to me, to be rather evenly matched in power,

Roy Moore and teenage girls? Not so much.

I look for a disparity in power in these situations.

In other words, grabbing and kissing are more of a misdemeanor and dating underage girls more like a felony.