
Overnight Open Thread

Flyers19745/27/2009 4:52:46 am PDT

re: #262 soxfan4life

I think refusing to name names on the earmarks from TARP 1 and running a very lackluster campaign hurt McCain. As well as the media attacks on Sarah Palin. Last night on Rachel Maddow she said conservative attacks on Sonia Sotomayor were attacks on women in politics. I’m sure the left will be parroting the same nonsense today and explain how this is different than their attacks on Palin.

I agree, McCain ran a poor campaign. He seemed old and at one point at a debate I actully felt bad for the guy. I initially thought Palin was a brilliant pick politically speaking, but she was out of her depth (there were a number, not a majority but a number of conservatives who had real problems with Palin’s depth.) But its real difficult to not consider the economy as the primary factor in McCain’s losss.