
Poll: Virginia GOP Dominated by Nirthers

Yashmak8/05/2009 12:40:30 pm PDT

re: #258 Idle Drifter

Surplus 6.5 x 52 mm Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifles were hit or miss as are most surplus weapons in quality and they’re cheap because of the available quantity. The range and speed of JFK was short (82m) and slow (8.1 mph) traveling in a know direction for a rifle shot. Oswald was trained as a Marine to hit stationary and moving targets at even greater ranges (+200 m) at “Dog” targets which are the silhouette of a human head and top of the torso.

82m is not a particularly difficult rifle shot, even for a mediocre marksman with a mediocre weapon… .although deflection shooting to compensate for the car’s speed would have upped the difficulty level.