
National Review's Andrew McCarthy Falls for Bogus Breitbart Story - Update: Entire Right Wing Blogosphere Parrots Bogus Story

palomino10/03/2011 4:26:18 pm PDT

re: #257 chunkymonkey

Do you have an estimate for the fraction of “conservatives” who are racists and race baiters? I’d like to know what you think.

re: #246 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Permits Breitbart’s crap to persist? Moi? You think I could possibly have any influence there? I don’t read Big Govt, I don’t care about Big Govt, I have a job and a family. How much time do you really expect me to waste there? I post at maybe two other blogs besides this one, and then sparingly most of the time.

Well, let’s see. Polls show that nearly half of conservatives think Obama is a Kenyan Muslim with no valid birth certificate. So, starting there, I’d say about half are racists and race baiters.