
The Right's Sudden Pious Racial Indignation

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/06/2011 5:01:38 pm PST

re: #250 ggt

I don’t know freetoken. I think we’d get further as a tribe if we all looked to our own faults before pointing out the faults of others.

But that is the whole point. To be perceived as better as the other we make sure that the other looks worse than us. That can be physical “looks”, but also includes everything else we do (from what we buy to whom we befriend.) By making our own self look more desirable the other looks less.

This is what primates do, at least from my limited understanding - each individual continually jockeys for position in the group. We’re dependent upon each other, the troop, to exist, and we know that deep down, so striking out on our own is out of the question. So the question remains - how do I keep my position in the group, or hopefully enhance my status in the group.

That’s why the “base” of the current GOP worships the rich. It’s also why, btw, academia (and other parts of our society) judges on how many letters one has after one’s name.