
CNN Interviews Trump Supporters - They Don't Care That He's Lying

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/24/2015 8:21:27 pm PST

re: #24 BlueGrl21

If you ever have the distinct misfortune of having a beer or 5 with one of these people….trust me. They tell the same lies. Echo chamber.

i got over-bourboned one night with a closet Trump supporter. After I heard 10 minutes straight of conspiracy theories and lies and was shown heavily-edited YouTube videos, I was asked, “You don’t think I’m crazy, right? You believe me?”

“Honey, you’re not crazy. You’re uneducated, living in an echo chamber, and xenophobic. What you are saying is completely untrue. Where the hell are you getting this nonsense?”

To give this guy tremendous credit, he respected me enough to listen to me and has basically figured out the political process is not for him. Trump voters would be better off focusing on their roses and learning macramé.

Yeah, from my own personal experience, Trumpists are politically naive and have no idea they are being played. They may think T. Rump is the shiznit now, but if he were elected, he’d sell out his supporters faster than lightning.