
And Now, Trump's 3rd Party Challenger: A Raving Wingnut, of Course

can't think of a decent username5/31/2016 8:07:46 pm PDT

Well, first, it’s Bill Kristol’s idea, so it’s guaranteed to be stupid. And it is so very, very stupid. French is a nobody, a complete nothingburger. Up until a few hours ago, he didn’t have a Wikipedia entry at all, and his only connection to politics was writing about it — no experience as a governor, as a legislator, even as a businessman.

And for a guy who’s supposed to be the anti-Trump, French is probably even crazier than Trump and a hell of a lot less charismatic. French is one of Roy Edroso’s favorite punching bags, because he comes across as a twitching, drooling mental case who still manages to talk like a .scolding prude.

The Libertarian stripper would have been a more sensible and more mainstream choice.