
Jim Hoft Flat Out Lies About Panetta and "Waterboarding," Gets a Drudge Link

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines2/03/2013 11:49:40 am PST

re: #12 Lidane

The seeds of a new RWNJ conspiracy are born:

Have there been any recent murders that these people haven’t blamed on Obama? To expand on a page comment I made earlier today, we are at war with a collective of crazy people. They obviously want to use their guns, and settle scores as they see them, but they haven’t quite whipped themselves into enough of a frenzy. As it is, the administration has to walk on eggshells in proposing gun legislation, merely proposing it, lest they incite millions of delusional freaks to come out shooting. One spark may set them off. In the current climate of lies and paranoia, a bungled law enforcement effort like Waco could do it, as could some kind of insane act by someone nominally on our side. Gun control advocates are not by nature violent, of course, but it only takes one unhinged individual among millions.