
Breitbart Readers React to Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla Story With Deluge of Ugly Racism

Reality Based Steve5/31/2016 7:59:40 am PDT

re: #263 lawhawk

Trump’s going to rant on about how he’s all for the veterans, but the facts are a lot more dubious:

[Embedded content]

IF, and that’s a big if, Trump’s campaign funds are tapped out and he’s not going to be paying for ads between now until after the convention when he becomes the official nominee and the GOP can start buying him time it’s the best chance for Hillary, the SuperPACS and the DNC to start hammering that out again and again.

I’d love to see an ad where they keep going how he’s taken money, lied about contributions, cheated people and finish it with the tag line “Who should the term Crooked be applied to?” or something like that.

It won’t matter to the hard core supporter, they are beyond the pale, but all of the people who are just casual observers of the political process are prime ground for this. Even if it doesn’t make them vote Dem., add in that I expect to see a lot of Koch money going to support Johnson and the Libertarian ticket it will make a big difference.

Just my .02