
Joe Scarborough to GOP: 'Man Up' and Confront the Idiot Half-Governor

Usually refered to as anyways11/30/2010 1:01:10 pm PST

re: #245 Gus 802

There you go. Sometimes it could be a simple situation like that — not allowing access to any CD/DVD burners. Another thing could be creating secure rooms. Everyone, and I mean everyone that has access to that room would be thoroughly search like, ironically, the TSA is doing.

Don’t forget the USB memory cards. Whew.

I had read that the USB ports were disabled for security, yet they are allowed to use the burners to play audio cd’s ‘Lady Gaga’ was appartantly his choice.

There are some people above Manning that should be answering some serious questions.

Sometimes it seems we just want a name, someone to blame, then we can all sleep at night, knowing we are not like them.

Come on, what movie was that from?
Walter? Anyone?