
Overnight Open Thread

Ford_Prefect6/09/2009 6:26:57 am PDT

Good Morning Lizards!

One year ago today, almost to the minute, I became a hatchling. I surfed to the LGF homepage, as I had been doing for only a couple of weeks, and saw that the door had been left open. I knocked anyway, as I had been taught, and was warmly welcomed. Just like that I became a member of this exclusive community. Today, thanks to the rain falling on Connecticut, I find myself inside sitting at my computer instead of working outside, as I have been doing a lot lately, and able to reflect on my time here. I first joined this site with the intention of becoming better informed on the issues of the day, but soon found myself also being drawn in by you good people. Now I have come to consider many of you as friends. I even find myself talking about you and your comments with my non-cyber friends. Like with all friends, there have been moments of disagreement and misunderstanding, but there have also been very moving and sometimes hilarious moments as well. I would like to thank all of you for your acceptance, your insights, your humor and your friendship. Hopefully, in the coming days, weeks, months and years this relationship can continue to grow and deepen.