
Photo of the Day

Birth Control Works9/26/2011 10:12:15 pm PDT

re: #270 Dark_Falcon

Once you’re there, you’re there. But to some degree, it really is useless to wargame ‘what-ifs’ of either President Bush being outright combative in matters of domestic policy. That just is not the sort of man either the father or the son is or wants to be. Bush the Younger was willing to take a harder line, but even then he was never nasty about it.

So a scenario where George the Elder flung compromise aside and took an aggressive stance was never in the cards. He just is not that kind of man,

I always got the idea that Bush Sr thought the POTUS should concentrate on Foreign Affairs and leave the domestic stuff to Congress and the States. He was, of course, strongest in Foreign Affairs.

Unfortunately, his presidency was at a time when the citizens seemed to want a Domestic Affairs POTUS. His perceived apathy during the Rodney King Incident and LA Riots was bad, bad planning.