
Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama for President

Kragar10/25/2012 3:01:18 pm PDT

Joel Gilbert: Obama Got Nose Job to Hide Resemblance to Frank Marshall Davis

Filmmaker, Bob Dylan enthusiast, and all-purpose conspiracy theorist Joel Gilbert has been getting plenty of attention recently for his film, “Dreams From My Real Father,”which presents his theory that President Obama’s real father was Communist organizer Frank Marshall Davis, who groomed the president from birth to lead a “revolution to end capitalism.” Gilbert has taken advantage of an undisclosed source of funds to send copies of his movie to 4 million swing-state households, where it has been met with decidedly mixed reviews. Gilbert’s film has earned effusive praise from the chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and Fox News’ Monica Crowley, but was panned by a Republican focus group, which found it “revolting.” A public screening of the film organized by a county commissioner in Texas has drawn promises of protests.

In the midst of this hubbub, though, Gilbert hasn’t neglected his continuing research into the president’s history. This summer, he speculated to Alex Jones that the Obama administration might have been behind the Aurora movie theater shooting. Earlier this month, he put on his “expert in Islamic history” hat to uncover a secret “Islamic inscription” on the president’s wedding ring. And today, he drops another bombshell to World Net Daily’s Jerome Corsi: the president got a nose job (a.k.a. “facial forgery”) because he was “concerned he was looking too much like Frank Marshall Davis as he got older.”