
Disgusting but Not Surprising: Senate Rejects All Four Gun Control Measures

Bass Reeves6/20/2016 7:11:02 pm PDT

re: #110 Great White Snark

it’s a glaringly obvious poison pill approach. Seriously, all the progressives, liberals, Democrats that really think civilian based militias are a good idea please step up and tell me I’m wrong.

Plus if we think we want the rights and laws in the constitution are actually limited to the technology of the late 1700’s think again please. We would then no longer have any civil protections from surveillance of and technology more advanced than quill pen and paper, and the handset lead type printing press. There would be no such thing as protected speech on radio, let alone the internet. Sedition laws would apply to blogs. Police cameras would be for the prosecution only. FOIA? LOL.

Civilian-based militias = National Guard/Reserves. Pretty good idea, IMO.

And I’m all for viewing the Constitution as a living, breathing document. The people who are 2A absolutists generally, are not. If you think Heller was decided correctly, that’s fine. I think that Heller was not decided as a so-called strict textualist would have decided, and was instead decided like a RWNJ majority would have. RWNJ are FOREVER complaining about the Supreme Court making new rights out of thin air, and yet are very conspicuously silent on this.