
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

zombie5/03/2009 3:46:12 pm PDT

Melanie Melanie Melanie, we love you — or used to love you, until we saw this column yesterday — but you have got to drop this “intelligent design” insanity as soon as you possibly can. You’ve apparently been misled, and you think that you’re taking the “conservative” position or the “skeptics” position by denying evolution. But all you’re doing is taking the fool’s position, and it is a tragedy to watch.

Evolution is not a conservative/liberal issue: It’s simply basic science. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.

If you think that “intelligent design” is in any way scientifically defensible, you obviously don’t even know what evolutionary theory even is.

Please, please, i beg of you to study up on this issue before writing about it again. And if you really want to become a heroine, retract the embarrassing statements you made in this column. Otherwise, you risk losing millions of fans and, more importantly, your credibility.