
Live Video: Fundamentalist Fearfest

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/17/2010 12:56:46 pm PDT

Hey all!

It’s been a while, and I have to make some drive by comments.

First off, I truly wish everyone here well and I hope that the coming year brings you joy.

Second off…

Am I the only one who notices that the party of wealthy oil ticks, Wallstreet tycoons and business moguls, whines overmuch about who is elite?

Third off…

Ludwigs Law of political speak:

If it has an utterly wholesome name that sounds like no one could possibly be opposed to it, it is pure evil.


The Clean Air Act of 2005! Who could be opposed to clean air? Except this is the bill with the Halliburton loopholes that allowed for unregulated fracking, massive increases in toxic chemicals in drinking water (by Federal standards) including a 100X increase in “accepted saftey” of things like arsenic, cyanide, strontium compounds and all sorts of truly toxic industrial chemicals with acronym names.

Values voters! Who could be opposed to voting on values? Except that these values include, misogyny, homophobia, race baiting, white supremacy, anti-science, anti-intellectualism, and the tearing down of protected liberties like separation of church and state.

The Heritage Foundation! This “think tank” is the home of pro oil, pro tobacco, anti- AGW, anti- evolution propaganda. They also are opposed to the federal government telling honest business men that they can not use foreign slave and child labor.