
Trump Triples Down: Maybe 'Fire and Fury' Comment 'Wasn't Tough Enough'

EPR-radar8/10/2017 4:07:11 pm PDT

re: #271 Unshaken Defiance

I would hope we would not go nuclear short of a damaging hit, but that puts days between attack and major response. I would hope as crazy as it sounds that China would roll troops on him if he looked to launch a nuke. It would be so damaging to them if NK absorbed a counterstrike.

This is why is have supported missile defense and conventional ballistic forces. Every President deserves to have a fast conventional option so as to leave the guy with the football seated on the chair undisturbed.

We’re really in uncharted territory here. Even sending unarmed missiles to Guam is a big fucking deal. We’d have no way of being sure they aren’t aimed at Guam until too late to do anything about it if they were.

The US and USSR did missile demonstrations of range and accuracy as part of the cold war chest thumping, but the targets were never so close to the other sides’ territory as this (unless I’ve completely missed part of the cold war madness story).