
Louisiana Citizens Pay for Bobby Jindal's Church Visits

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/02/2009 12:10:42 pm PDT

re: #231 kansas

Haven’t you seen the videos of the Democrats strong arming people? And remember when there wasn’t any war on terror? That was last month, I guess it’s back again.

Ummm again… If a Dem were to grab an old lady’s puppy, beat the old lady and forcer her to watch him suck the puppy’s eyeballs out with a sharp steel straw, how would that excuse anything that the GOP does wrong?

I am really tired of people who clearly see the GOP doing something clearly wrong - like lying about killing your granny, or encouraging folks to bring guns to political events etc.. and then hearing them whine that the Dems are bad too.

The Dems are not anywhere near as bad on the organized crazy fest we are seeing coming from the top down on the right. Again, even if they were, it would not mitigate the wrongdoing of the right one iota.

Also, it is the right that tends to, shall we say, exaggerate the threats of jack booted Dems. The Dems can’t agree on the color of an orange, let alone have the discipline needed to turn fascist.

The GOP, on the other hand, is promoting this evil meme that the Republic is threatened by commies under the bed and thugs in the streets, and that all sorts of not white, not Christian folks are coming to persecute you and take your guns, and kill your granny and that they were not actually citizens and that Obama is going to take over the internet etc etc etc…

Let’s please be real.