
Frank: 'Like Arguing with a Dining Room Table'

realwest8/19/2009 9:47:03 am PDT

re: #229 Coracle
“But wouldn’t the Reps stand to gain more? I believe the above list and more are what keep many independents and social lib/fiscal cons “blue dogs?” voters away from the party.”
Those voters would no doubt go “third party” and probably hurt whomever the Republican Candidate would be. The Republicans would however, return to their honest roots of small government, individual rights AND obligations, and fiscal responsiblity.
Regrettably, I don’t think THOSE particular honest roots would garner enough votes to win any sort of National contest and might in fact defeat Republicans in any number of State contests (for U.S. Senate, for example).
Part of the problem for Republians (and it used to be a problem for Democrats as well with the extreme Left wing of their party, until said Left wing became the Democratic Party) is that ANYONE can put an “R” after their name. Political Parties don’t have any legal standing to stop anyone from calling themselves Republicans or Democrats. The RNC could of course deny funds to those whacko’s we’d like to get rid of, and instead give it to primary opponent challengers, but that would simply lessen the amount of money the Republicans would have for general elections.
I just thank God everyday that the RNC has not embraced Larouche or his ilk.