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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/27/2010 2:48:19 pm PST

Sceptics seek second Climategate panel casualty

Climate sceptics look to take another scalp from the panel investigating the conduct of scientists researching climate change, following leaked emails from the University of East Anglia, writes Nick Scott-Plummer.

Two weeks ago one member of a panel charged with reviewing the conduct of scientists at the centre of the so-called climategate email row resigned after Channel 4 News revealed comments which called into question his claim to impartiality.

Now climate sceptics are raising questions about another member of the review, although their evidence has been challenged by the scientist concerned.

The audio of an interview that forced Philip Campbell’s resignation first emerged on one of the leading climate sceptic blogs.

Now that loose-knit community has turned up another internet link which they claim shows another panellist, Professor Boulton, may not have been honest about links to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (PICC) potentially compromising his independence.


Hopefully it will finally dawn on enough people that the “skeptics” are only concerned about “taking scalps”.