
Politicians Reach Deal to Mortgage America's Future

Dark_Falcon2/06/2009 5:55:11 pm PST

re: #253 Salem

Do I need to clarify that this is my opinion? They are all on the record as supporting giving ID equal time with evolution in public schools. Hence, I don’t need to hear another word from them on any other topic. They are kooks. If the Republican party wants to hang their fate on the ranting of a bunch of fringe kooks who someone has seen fit to put behind a microphone, then the Republican party is driving down a dead-end beyond 2010.

We can’t use support for ID as litmus test. Simply put, there just aren’t enough Republicans who believe in evolution for us to win without support for people who are creationist. This does not, repeat not, mean that we don’t talk about why ID and creationism are wrong. It does mean that we need to find ways to work with people with whom we disagree on this issue on those issue we agree on, and in my mind those issues are more numerous.