
Sarah Palin at the Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner

researchok9/17/2010 7:59:42 pm PDT

re: #265 HoosierHoops

*cough* I was blogging at Firedoglake during that time…You have completely make a complex issue a simplistic talking point…And you fucking get me wrong..I left there after the black face thing…But the issues were complex..I was there…

You are right- I have reduced it and it was a complex story.

That said, my points are accurate. The campaign migrated from a focus on politics to the personal excoriation of Lieberman.

She tried to do the same thing years later, to Lieberman’s wife.

I don’t have to tell you how outraged the people of CT were.

My point was that if the attacks on Palin remain personal, her supporters- and even those only mildly disposed to her message out DC governance- will circle the wagons.

See my 131 and 164