
In Which Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Does His Impression of a Charging Rhino

HoosierHoops11/18/2013 5:14:02 pm PST

This is a funny story that happened to me last Thursday.. I wasn’t sure if I would ever ever post this.. I never kiss and tell…Read on
I’ve been visiting friends here before I move to the Lake and saying goodbye has been hard for my friends and I. Too many free shots and taxi rides home..A little crazy this month.. I’ve texted everyone I know here in Norman.
I get a text from a lady officer at the Lodge. She is really cute and we danced a few times and talked but she hangs out with a different connected group so I don’t know her well….Wanna talk? Sure..
Knock on the door..What? It’s her..
She works for the University and did some late thing and dressed to the tens..We talked and laughed..Spoke of all the people I’ll miss..She was pretty buzzed and we drank some beer.. I really enjoyed our talk and she goes to the bathroom and said while in the kitchen that she had always wanted to ask me something.. I said whatever as she walked in…
This is the honest to gods truth..
She stood in front of me naked with her big black leather boots on and said..I want to know if you want to have sex with or without the boots on.. I was kindof stunned for a minute..Realized what was going to happen and I stumbled some words to answer.. And then I laughed..I don’t know why. I laughed. She asked what?
I said..I ..I just don’t think there is a wrong answer to your question..
She laughed.. .Maybe I should move more often..
So..No Kiss and tell… OK..You really want to know..I took those damn boots off..