
Casual Bigotry From the Front Page of the Wall Street Journal

lawhawk9/12/2014 10:01:56 am PDT

re: #276 Eventual Carrion

Apparently medical issues. Something about doctors finding an abdominal tumor.

But doctors say the results of that biopsy - which will give them an indication of the seriousness of the tumour - will not be ready for at least a week, meaning a full diagnosis will not come in time for Friday’s deadline to drop off the mayoral ballot.

“There’s a mass in his abdomen. We’ve taken a biopsy. There’s no theory,” Mount Sinai colorectal surgeon Zane Cohen said on Thursday.

“We’re trying to get the result, which we’ll get in about a week. And then we will be able to talk in facts, and not in supposition.”

Dr. Cohen said the mayor “has some pain” - for which he is receiving medication - but that he is otherwise “resting comfortably” and “surrounded by family members.”