
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

Silhouette1/07/2009 10:48:41 am PST

re: #228 Occasional Reader

We laugh at this story, but of course it represents something deeply, deeply disturbing.

Why did Hamas t.v. “kill” Assud? Why, to further drive home the lesson to Palestinian tots that they must hatehatehatehate the Jews.

Pure evil.

For comparison, when “Steve” on Blues Clues was replaced with “Joe,” what if the producers had told the children that “Steve” was killed by Muslim jihadists. And what if this was at the request of the Bush administration.

Would the LLL of this country see THAT as an evil act, twisting the minds of tiny children into hate and bigotry? I presume they would.

But for the Palis, they get a pass. Every evil act they do is excused as a “natural” response to some unspoken greater evil that was done TO them.